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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Point of Sale > Processing > Start Point of Sale > POS Grid > Utilities >
Product Maintenance

Product Maintenance  allows users with access to create or edit details of an item from POS.  Changes made in POS will be updated in the Inventory Master.

The below details can be updated: -

  1. Description
  2. Unit Cost
  3. Selling Price
  4. Category
  5. Tax Code
  6. Monthly
  7. Location
  8. UOM

Steps to update details :-

  1. Search for the product by clicking on the 'Search" button or F2 on the keyboard.
  2. Edit the required details.
  3. Click on the  "Save" button or "F2" on the keyboard to save record.
  4. Click on the "Close" button or "ESC" on the keyboard to exist the form.

Figure 1: Product Maintenance